Sunday, March 27, 2011

I have a good time when I go out of my mind

Creeds made in Dark Ages are like drawings made in dark rooms.
~Joseph McCabe
Drawing is like the first kiss. It carries within it the deepest emotion and the challenge of the first step. It is the first cry after birth.
~Ala Bashir


  1. omg did you draw thiss? hahaha i didn't know you dreww! what does it mean?? hahaha

  2. I say you decide what it means to you.
    So what do you think? :)

    Let's make Gabbie Psycho Analyze my drawing/s and see what conclusion she comes up with! Scaryyyy. Hahaha!

  3. "emotionally unstable". HAHAHA SCARY :))) PAULINE I LOVE YOUR DRAWING STYLE. you're so multi-talented. unfair. -gab

  4. I really am extremely emotionally unstable according to my guidance test results!!!! And thanks Gabbie but your drawings are way better than mine!!!
